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YES…Harry Legg IS his real name! What were his parents thinking?

Harry’s career has taken him to radio stations, recording studios, and even a record label. He moved from his hometown of Cleveland to work in over half a dozen cities including the top 3 markets of Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City. Besides voiceovers, Harry is an accomplished air talent having worked on-air at stations such as KIIS-FM Los Angeles and Kiss in Chicago. His awards include the NYC A.I.R. Creative Services Director of the Year Award for his work at WKTU and a nomination for Billboard’s Rhythmic APD/Music Director of the year while at Energy in Chicago.
Harry is the voice of The NBC Sports Radio Network and currently works out of his studio in suburban NYC. Besides stations here in the USA, Harry has a large international following with stations in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cairo, Cape Town, Cyprus, Hungary, Jakarta, Johannesburg, Jordan, Malta, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tasmania, Trinidad and Tobago, and Val-d’Isère. Harry’s other passion is martial arts. He currently trains at Body Mind Studios in Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Bagua Zhang, Ship Pal Gye, Kong Su Do, Akido/Hapkido, Udo, Kom Do and more.
During the Interview We Discuss:
- The Power of Authentic Networking
- Using “downtime” productively
- How Professional Coaching Buys you “Speed”
- Candid discussion of how Radio experience doesn’t automatically qualify you for VO
- And Much More!
I really enjoyed my conversation with Harry. I’m sure you will too!
To Contact Harry:
- www.HarryLegg.com
- harry@harrylegg.com
I’m Hosting a Webinar with VoiceOverXtra.com!
How To INCREASE Your Rates and WHY You NEED to Increase Them AND… How to Get Paid in Advance of Doing the Work – Or At Least Get a Hefty Deposit
John Florian has graciously invited me to conduct a webinar for VoiceOverXtra.com. It’s on July 9th.
You’ll Get A Full recording of the webinar – both audio and video!
Only $49. – It’s less than what you’d spend on take-out and what I’m going to share with you is worth many times that investment.
Click HERE to Register NOW!
Special Time Sensitive BONUS! – Get Paid Up Front!
And as an added bonus for everybody who signs up By MIDNIGHT U.S.A. EASTERN TIME on June 30th, 2014 I will give you a template of the document I use to get paid up front that you can customize for your Voice Over Business. That’s a $75 value so you recoup your investment right away and it’s yours for FREE if you register by Midnight Eastern Time U.S. on June 30th. You are definitely going to want to have this. It eliminates chasing clients around for money and all that. And for anyone who has already registered, we’ll be making that available to you too, so you won’t miss anything.
I’m really excited to share some information with you that changed FOREVER:
- The way I look at the income I earn,
- How I spend my resources and
- How I value my time.
I must admit, the first time someone shared with me the information I’m going to cover in the webinar, I was a bit frustrated and candidly, angry that no one had shared this with me before.
You may feel the same way when I share it with you
But I knew it made total sense and I’m sure once you see it, you will think so too.
It showed me that I needed to differentiate myself in the marketplace of the services I provide and compete in ways other than simply having the “Best prices.” {Best for whom?}
You can learn more by clicking here:
Using Your Personal Story to Market Your Business – Continued
In Episode 19 – Do You Have Time for A Story? Lot’s of folks took advantage of the opportunity to download a free copy of my Marketing Piece that I use with new clients.
Click here To obtain a FREE copy of my Marketing Piece that uses my Voice Over Journey Story
“Meldawg’s Book Club”
Years ago after a station concert I was imbibing a few beers with some colleagues at local pub when they – for some unknown reason – started referring to me as… (Click here to read more)
The Show Keeps GROWING!
We’ve had 11,794 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word!
The Voice Over “Definition” T-Shirt!
This Episode is sponsored by the Voice Over Definition T-Shirt. Let your clothing do the talking for YOU for a change!
I had a brainstorm and came up with these designs. Fun T-Shirts that shout out and define what you do… literally!
Have fun and order one for you and a friend right now! All orders fulfilled by CafePress.com
Recommended Resource!
Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it’s affecting your vision? You know I’m BIG into peak performance and health/wellness.
Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.)
As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields.
They’ve recently developed a Product called “The Vision Gym” It is VERY Cool! If you’re finding it harder to see then check this out…
This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I’ve used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products! And it’s very cool!
Thanks for Checking The Show Out!
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Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to chare your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.
If you’d like more information on coaching and mastermind group opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at Mike@JohnMelley.com.
Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!
All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.