Tag Archives: Voice Over Athlete

Episode_77_Rick Lance The Voice of Americana

Support the Forever Home New England Dog Rescue and this podcast With Throw My Dog A Bone!

Rick Lance

How can your clients Guide you in your voice over business? You’ll want to take notes on this episode! John Melley sits down with Rick Lance – The Voice of Americana to discuss how he took what his clients told him and how he parlayed it into a successful Voice Over Career.

Key Topics Discussed

  • Finding Your Money Voice
  • Listening to your Clients
  • Asking Your Clients Questions
  • What To Focus Your Marketing On
  • Using Your Life Experience in Your Voice Over

Links & Resources Mentioned

Rick Lance Studio

Veterans Outreach


It’s the Pre-Launch of my Book The Voice Over Athlete! I am looking for affiliates to promote the book and I am offering generous commissions. If you would like information on being a Book Launch Affiliate please email me directly: john@johnmelley.com with “Book Launch Affiliate” in the subject line and I will send you the details.

Want to Set Up A Coaching Session?

John Melley

Get a Free Call with me. CLICK Here to SCHEDULE

All Set to Dive In and Grow Your Business?

Here’s a LINK to get signed up for a full Hour of 1 on 1 coaching with me: CLICK HERE

Sponsored Resources!

Avoid Legal Troubles for your VO Business!


I’ve arranged an affiliate code with The Publishers of Rob’s Book “Voice Over Legal” so you can save $5 (up to 20%!) off the list price of the book and support the podcast.

Simply Click this Link: www.VoiceOverLegal.com and enter the promo code “VMP” at checkout to save 20% ($5) off the cost of the book and support the podcast!

Thanks for Checking Out The Show!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on your favorite streaming service to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to share your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at Mike@JohnMelley.com.

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 – 2024 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them

Episode 76 The Membership Millionaire and Doing Good

Support the Forever Home New England Dog Rescue and this podcast With Throw My Dog A Bone!

In this episode John speaks with Mara Glazer about her new book The Membership Millionaire and how to incorporate a membership program in your voice over business. They also discuss how “Doing Good” for others means doing good for your customers and your business!

Also Find Out:

  • What A “MIFGE” is
  • What The PIRATE Program is and how it helps Veterans
  • How Doing Good for other is Doing good for your business and your customers

Resources Mentioned:

The Membership Millionaire Book

Throw My Dog A Bone!

Want to Set Up A Coaching Session?

John Melley

Get a Free Call with me. CLICK Here to SCHEDULE

All Set to Dive In and Grow Your Business?

Here’s a LINK to get signed up for a full Hour of 1 on 1 coaching with me: CLICK HERE

Sponsored Resources!

Avoid Legal Troubles for your VO Business!


I’ve arranged an affiliate code with The Publishers of Rob’s Book “Voice Over Legal” so you can save $5 (up to 20%!) off the list price of the book and support the podcast.

Simply Click this Link: www.VoiceOverLegal.com and enter the promo code “VMP” at checkout to save 20% ($5) off the cost of the book and support the podcast!

Thanks for Checking Out The Show!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on your favorite streaming service to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to share your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at Mike@JohnMelley.com.

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 – 2023 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission fr

Episode_72: How Does Your Pricing Affect YOUR Work?

Seller’s Remorse?

Ever quote a price on a VO Gig only to regret it later? Did that mindset cause you to think something like: “Heck, I’m only getting $XXX for it and have spent too much time on it already?”

Ring a bell?

In Episode 72 I discuss why solid fees are important for our attitudes and our mindset s we approach and work on the projects we get hired for.

Sponsored Resources!

Avoid Legal Troubles for your VO Business!


I’ve arranged an affiliate code with The Publishers of Rob’s Book “Voice Over Legal” so you can save $5 (up to 20%!) off the list price of the book and support the podcast.

Simply Click this Link: www.VoiceOverLegal.com and enter the promo code “VMP” at checkout to save 20% ($5) off the cost of the book and support the podcast!

Use Your Personal Story to Market Your Business

In Episode 19 – Do You Have Time for A Story? I spoke about how you can download a free copy of my Marketing Piece that I use with new clients.

Now You Can Also Get an Enhanced Version


  • An Exclusive 20 Minute Audio Presentation on Personal Story Marketing to my Voice Over Marketing Mastermind Group – A $179 Value!
  • A Step-by-Step Color Coded Copy of my Personal Story Marketing Piece with each section color coded to highlight the strategy behind the story elements – A $24.95 Value!
  • A Color KEY Guide explaining what each color in the story element means and why it is included in the story – A $75 Value!

Total Value of $278.95

All for Only $17.95! OR…


Click here To obtain a FREE copy of my Marketing Piece that uses my Voice Over Journey Story

Another Opportunity to Contribute and Support the Podcast!

If you find any value and inspiration from these episodes, please consider a modest Donation — however much you can afford. When it comes freely from you in the spirit of generosity and an abundance mindset, it’s the kind of gesture that humbles me with warm appreciation.

Thanks for Checking Out The Show!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to share your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at Mike@JohnMelley.com.

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 – 2018 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode 69: Getting Out of a Rut, An Interview With Rob Berkley

I interviewed my friend and business coach Rob Berkley shortly before he was diagnosed with cancer about how to get out of a funk, rut, groove, inertia, etc. Something that I have been in for various reasons

Rob Berkley

Unfortunately, Rob passed away in December of 2018. I wanted our interview to be the next episode of the podcast. It has taken a while to get here.

Rob’s last words to me on our final coaching call were: “John, you’re a ‘Finisher.’ Finish what you start.”

Well, I’ve started a lot of things, this podcast being one of them. I guess I’m not finished with it yet. There are a lot of “Writer Downers” in this episode. Take notes and enjoy.

Rob, thank you for all you shared with me and for listening. Rest in Peace.

Here’s a Link to the 23 Minute Guided Walking Meditation

Here’s the Link I mentioned to get your FIRST MONTH FREE LINK VO Athlete®

Here’s a Link to the 23 Minute Guided Walking Meditation


Avoid Legal Troubles for your VO Business!


I’ve arranged an affiliate code with The Publishers of Rob’s Book “Voice Over Legal” so you can save $5 (up to 20%!) off the list price of the book and support the podcast.

Simply Click this Link: www.VoiceOverLegal.com and enter the promo code “VMP” at checkout to save 20% ($5) off the cost of the book and support the podcast!

Use Your Personal Story to Market Your Business

In Episode 19 – Do You Have Time for A Story? I spoke about how you can download a free copy of my Marketing Piece that I use with new clients.

Now You Can Also Get an Enhanced Version


  • An Exclusive 20 Minute Audio Presentation on Personal Story Marketing to my Voice Over Marketing Mastermind Group – A $179 Value!
  • A Step-by-Step Color Coded Copy of my Personal Story Marketing Piece with each section color coded to highlight the strategy behind the story elements – A $24.95 Value!
  • A Color KEY Guide explaining what each color in the story element means and why it is included in the story – A $75 Value!

Total Value of $278.95

All for Only $17.95! OR…


Click here To obtain a FREE copy of my Marketing Piece that uses my Voice Over Journey Story

The DeFlame Diet.

So I have a great book I want to recommend to you. It’s called “The Deflame Diet: DeFlame your diet, body, and mind” by Dr. David Seaman.


This book is great. I’ve been eating this way for awhile now. If you’re a Voice Talent who has to clear their throat a lot throughout the day, maybe have some post-nasal drip, or are feeling sluggish and run down – you want to check this book out. The link above is an affiliate link through Amazon.com.

It was given to me by my trainer Mandla Nkosi. The book explains through scientific research that most chronic diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and a host of others are all caused by eating an “Inflammatory diet.” An inflammatory diet is one that promotes chronic inflammation throughout the body that over time leads to these diseases.

Sources of inflammation are refined sugars and grains – pretty much a good portion of the “Western” diet. The book explains how inflammation gets started and how it affects every cell in our body. It also explains how to “DeFlame” and live a healthier lifestyle. It’s not as crazy and hard to do as you may think. You just need to look out for a few key ingredients and eat whole, unprocessed foods.

Have you modified your eating plan to help your voice? Please share your thoughts with us below!


Another Opportunity to Contribute and Support the Podcast!

If you find any value and inspiration from these episodes, please consider a modest Donation — however much you can afford. When it comes freely from you in the spirit of generosity and an abundance mindset, it’s the kind of gesture that humbles me with warm appreciation.

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to share your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at Mike@JohnMelley.com.

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 – 2018 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode_68: True Confessions & Your Questions Answered

Here’s the Link I mentioned to get your FIRST MONTH FREE to VO Athlete® Wellness Club

Here’s a Link to the 23 Minute Guided Walking Meditation

Protect Your Hearing!

What He Said….

I lay it all on the table for ya. After 20 plus years in the biz, Decades of playing music, loud drums, rock concerts, machinery and occasional firearms use I got my hearing checked…. uuuugh…

  • Hearing Loss Increases your risk of developing dementia by 200 – 300%!
  • How I overcame my embarrassment
  • What people are asking me me about my hearing devices

Here’s a Picture of my hearing aids.

The pen and paper clip are to show scale

Hearing Aids

And Here’s Zoe!

Hi! I’m Zoe and I make John and
The Lovely Ann very Happy!

Andy Packard Success!

Congratulations to Andy Packard!

Voice Talent Andy Packard

After 72 Auditions he landed his first Audiobook! Listen to his story in this episode!

Click Here to access Andy’s Audio Book.

Your Questions Answered!

Listener Samita Mirza Asks about how to get started in audiobooks and finding a mentor

Here’s the Link I mentioned to get your FIRST MONTH FREE LINK VO Athlete®

Here’s a Link to the 23 Minute Guided Walking Meditation


Avoid Legal Troubles for your VO Business!


I’ve arranged an affiliate code with The Publishers of Rob’s Book “Voice Over Legal” so you can save $5 (up to 20%!) off the list price of the book and support the podcast.

Simply Click this Link: www.VoiceOverLegal.com and enter the promo code “VMP” at checkout to save 20% ($5) off the cost of the book and support the podcast!

Use Your Personal Story to Market Your Business

In Episode 19 – Do You Have Time for A Story? I spoke about how you can download a free copy of my Marketing Piece that I use with new clients.

Now You Can Also Get an Enhanced Version


  • An Exclusive 20 Minute Audio Presentation on Personal Story Marketing to my Voice Over Marketing Mastermind Group – A $179 Value!
  • A Step-by-Step Color Coded Copy of my Personal Story Marketing Piece with each section color coded to highlight the strategy behind the story elements – A $24.95 Value!
  • A Color KEY Guide explaining what each color in the story element means and why it is included in the story – A $75 Value!

Total Value of $278.95

All for Only $17.95! OR…


Click here To obtain a FREE copy of my Marketing Piece that uses my Voice Over Journey Story

The DeFlame Diet.

So I have a great book I want to recommend to you. It’s called “The Deflame Diet: DeFlame your diet, body, and mind” by Dr. David Seaman.

This book is great. I’ve been eating this way for awhile now. If you’re a Voice Talent who has to clear their throat a lot throughout the day, maybe have some post-nasal drip, or are feeling sluggish and run down – you want to check this book out. The link above is an affiliate link through Amazon.com.

It was given to me by my trainer Mandla Nkosi. The book explains through scientific research that most chronic diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and a host of others are all caused by eating an “Inflammatory diet.” An inflammatory diet is one that promotes chronic inflammation throughout the body that over time leads to these diseases.

Sources of inflammation are refined sugars and grains – pretty much a good portion of the “Western” diet. The book explains how inflammation gets started and how it affects every cell in our body. It also explains how to “DeFlame” and live a healthier lifestyle. It’s not as crazy and hard to do as you may think. You just need to look out for a few key ingredients and eat whole, unprocessed foods.

Have you modified your eating plan to help your voice? Please share your thoughts with us below!


Another Opportunity to Contribute and Support the Podcast!

If you find any value and inspiration from these episodes, please consider a modest Donation — however much you can afford. When it comes freely from you in the spirit of generosity and an abundance mindset, it’s the kind of gesture that humbles me with warm appreciation.

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to share your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at Mike@JohnMelley.com.

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 – 2018 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode_67: R.I.F. Reading is Fundamental to #VO Success

Here’s the Link I mentioned to get your FIRST MONTH FREE LINK VO Athlete®

Here’s a Link to the 23 Minute Guided Walking Meditation

What’s the Second Piece of Advice I Give to #VO Talent?

What He Said….

After showing up and positioning yourself for opportunity, the second piece of advice I give to #Voice Over Talent (Veteran and just starting out) is … read. Read everything you can get your hands on. Literally.

  • Ingredients
  • Even stuff you know nothing about (Especially stuff you know nothing about.)
  • Shampoo Bottles
  • Boxes
  • Food packages
  • Contracts
  • Labels
  • Home Cleaning Products
  • Magazines
  • Books
  • Web Content

Reading materials from all sources exposes you to new content. You never know what topic you may be asked to do a voice session for. The more you learn about, the more you can bring to the table as a voice talent.

Plus you’ll learn something new… which is cool

I Also Share My reading List

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe DisPenza

Blowing the Bloody Doors Off by Michael Caine

The Operator: Firing the Shots that Killed Osama bin Laden and My Years as a SEAL Team Warrior by Robert O’Neill

R.I.F. Readng is Fundamental PSA

If you grew up in the 70s and 80s you probably remember the R.I.F. (Reading Is Fundamental) PSA’s. I guess they’re still producing them with the likes of Lady Gaga, etc. Whatever works….

Here’s a link to a PSA from 1980 with Ed Asner. I picked this one because I had the pleasure of taking a VO workshop with Ed and Pat Fraley several years ago.

Here’s the Link I mentioned to get your FIRST MONTH FREE LINK VO Athlete®

Here’s a Link to the 23 Minute Guided Walking Meditation


Avoid Legal Troubles for your VO Business!

I’ve arranged an affiliate code with The Publishers of Rob’s Book “Voice Over Legal” so you can vo_legal_booksave $5 (up to 20%!) off the list price of the book and support the podcast.

Simply Click this Link: www.VoiceOverLegal.com and enter the promo code “VMP” at checkout to save 20% ($5) off the cost of the book and support the podcast!

Use Your Personal Story to Market Your BusinessJohn_VOSMP

In Episode 19 – Do You Have Time for A Story? I spoke about how you can download a free copy of my Marketing Piece that I use with new clients.

Now You Can Also Get an Enhanced Version


  • An Exclusive 20 Minute Audio Presentation on Personal Story Marketing to my Voice Over Marketing Mastermind Group – A $179 Value!
  • A Step-by-Step Color Coded Copy of my Personal Story Marketing Piece with each section color coded to highlight the strategy behind the story elements – A $24.95 Value!
  • A Color KEY Guide explaining what each color in the story element means and why it is included in the story – A $75 Value!

Total Value of $278.95

All for Only $17.95! OR…

Click here To obtain a FREE copy of my Marketing Piece that uses my Voice Over Journey Story_PictureStory

The DeFlame Diet.

So I have a great book I want to recommend to you. It’s called “The Deflame Diet: DeFlame your diet, body, and mind” by Dr. David Seaman.

This book is great. I’ve been eating this way for awhile now. If you’re a Voice Talent who has to clear their throat a lot throughout the day, maybe have some post-nasal drip, or are feeling sluggish and run down – you want to check this book out. The link above is an affiliate link through Amazon.com.

It was given to me by my trainer Mandla Nkosi. The book explains through scientific research that most chronic diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and a host of others are all caused by eating an “Inflammatory diet.” An inflammatory diet is one that promotes chronic inflammation throughout the body that over time leads to these diseases.

Sources of inflammation are refined sugars and grains – pretty much a good portion of the “Western” diet. The book explains how inflammation gets started and how it affects every cell in our body. It also explains how to “DeFlame” and live a healthier lifestyle. It’s not as crazy and hard to do as you may think. You just need to look out for a few key ingredients and eat whole, unprocessed foods.

Have you modified your eating plan to help your voice? Please share your thoughts with us below!


Another Opportunity to Contribute and Support the Podcast!

If you find any value and inspiration from these episodes, please consider a modest Donation — however much you can afford. When it comes freely from you in the spirit of generosity and an abundance mindset, it’s the kind of gesture that humbles me with warm appreciation.

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to share your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at Mike@JohnMelley.com.

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 – 2018 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.

Episode_65: How YOU Can Become a Voice Over Athlete® Too!

Why I Started The Voice Over Athlete® Wellness Club

Here’s the Special Link! FIRST MONTH FREE LINK VO Athlete®

Joell Jacob

Joell Jacob Turns the table on me and dives deep on WHY I started the Voice Over Athlete® Wellness Club!

In Case You Missed It – Here’s the Link again! FIRST MONTH FREE LINK VO Athlete®

Joell did a great job exploring the Voice Over Athlete® Concept with me. During the episode we discuss:

  • What is a Voice Over Athlete®?
  • How did the Voice Over Athlete® start?
  • Why is this important for Voice Over Talent?
  • What is the Voice Over Athlete Wellness Club?
  • Why a CLUB and not just a course?
  • Who should join the VO Athlete Wellness Club?
  • Who is this NOT for?
  • And Much MORE!

Here’s the Link AGAIN! FIRST MONTH FREE LINK VO Athlete®


Use Your Personal Story to Market Your BusinessJohn_VOSMP

In Episode 19 – Do You Have Time for A Story? I spoke about how you can download a free copy of my Marketing Piece that I use with new clients.

Now You Can Also Get an Enhanced Version


  • An Exclusive 20 Minute Audio Presentation on Personal Story Marketing to my Voice Over Marketing Mastermind Group – A $179 Value!
  • A Step-by-Step Color Coded Copy of my Personal Story Marketing Piece with each section color coded to highlight the strategy behind the story elements – A $24.95 Value!
  • A Color KEY Guide explaining what each color in the story element means and why it is included in the story – A $75 Value!

Total Value of $278.95

All for Only $17.95! OR…

Click here To obtain a FREE copy of my Marketing Piece that uses my Voice Over Journey Story_PictureStory

The DeFlame Diet.

So I have a great book I want to recommend to you. It’s called “The Deflame Diet: DeFlame your diet, body, and mind” by Dr. David Seaman.

This book is great. I’ve been eating this way for awhile now. If you’re a Voice Talent who has to clear their throat a lot throughout the day, maybe have some post-nasal drip, or are feeling sluggish and run down – you want to check this book out. The link above is an affiliate link through Amazon.com.

It was given to me by my trainer Mandla Nkosi. The book explains through scientific research that most chronic diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and a host of others are all caused by eating an “Inflammatory diet.” An inflammatory diet is one that promotes chronic inflammation throughout the body that over time leads to these diseases.

Sources of inflammation are refined sugars and grains – pretty much a good portion of the “Western” diet. The book explains how inflammation gets started and how it affects every cell in our body. It also explains how to “DeFlame” and live a healthier lifestyle. It’s not as crazy and hard to do as you may think. You just need to look out for a few key ingredients and eat whole, unprocessed foods.

Have you modified your eating plan to help your voice? Please share your thoughts with us below!


Another Opportunity to Contribute and Support the Podcast!

If you find any value and inspiration from these episodes, please consider a modest Donation — however much you can afford. When it comes freely from you in the spirit of generosity and an abundance mindset, it’s the kind of gesture that humbles me with warm appreciation.

Thanks for Checking The Show Out!

If you liked this podcast please subscribe to it by clicking one of the Subscribe options found in the upper right side of this page, so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Please share it with your friends and colleagues in the voice over world.

Also, it would be a huge help if you’d like this podcast and rate it on iTunes to help keep it near the top of the list. Also, feel free to share your comments and questions about this episode and future topics you’d like discussed.

If you’d like more information on coaching opportunities where we focus on growing your business, feel free to drop me a line at my cyber assistant’s email address at Mike@JohnMelley.com.

Thanks for listening. Now go out there and share your voice with the world!

All written and recorded content associated with the Voice Over Marketing Podcast are ©2013 – 2018 AR Enterprises Co., Inc. d/b/a John Melley Voice Overs & Production. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Disclosures: There are links to different items and sponsors on this and other pages on this site. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a commission from them.